This space is intended to be all things Britney. :) I am passionate about DIY-ing, crafting, photography, and my family and health. I love to share new ideas, recipes and fashion. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you find something that inspires you. XO
Monday, January 23, 2012
Flax Fix
- 1 scoop whey protein (vanilla)
- 1 cup silk vanilla light
- 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
- 1/3 frozen banana
- 1 tbsp flax seed....
Can you say yummmmmy? Even in the winter drinking this in the afternoon I'm full until dinner. :)
New Found Inspiration
Renergy Baby
• bread (whatever you have/like)
• pb ( or almond butter is good too)
• 1/2 avocado
• baby spinach
• raw kale
Now don't be afraid to play around with this and make it work for you. Rener does it a little different, but both are bomb. Try it and see :)
Friday, January 20, 2012
Kids Art
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
We are on STRIKE today
Everyone: Prepare to Strike
- If you have a Twitter account, tweet about the #SOPASTRIKE and ask your followers to get ready. You can follow us on twitter for news as the strike gets closer. Go to Blackout SOPA to add ‘STOP SOPA’ to your Twitter image.
- Post this SOPA Strike page to your Facebook account by clicking here.
- Get ready for January 18th! Email and tweet at your friends, tell them to tell everyone about the strike. When the day comes, call Congress, tweet like crazy (#SOPASTRIKE), and help the strike appear everywhere!
See this timeline of SOPA and PIPA events and the activist backlash.
Please do your part.
List of senators with contact information.
It's important to write a message or call your senator today. The Senate vote is rapidly approaching.
Feel free to use or adapt this note:
Dear Senator,
I am concerned about the implications SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, and PIPA, the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011, have on our nation’s stance on freedom of speech, in addition to its prospects for economic growth. These bills pose a real threat to every online business in the United States. Furthermore, these bills contradict the United States’ foreign policies, which encourage greater Internet freedom.
Technologists and small businesses have been shut out from the bills’ formative process, and have been denied an opportunity to communicate the issues inherent in this form of legislation. The lobbyists supporting this legislation represent a single portion of this nation’s economy; it is out of bounds to force compliance in a manner that taxes legitimate businesses.
I oppose SOPA, PIPA, and other bills of this nature.
Thank you.
I Need This!! :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Awesome Workouts
Another Green Secret
- 1 tbs peanut butter ( its enough I promise)
- 1 banana frozen or not, your call
- cup or so of soy milk
- handful of spinach
My Go-To Breakfast
- bagel thin
- natural pb
- sliced strawberries
Mmm mmm good!!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Lean Green Machine
• a cup or a little more of apple juice
• a frozen banana
• handful of baby spinach
Blend... And consume. You're now officially ready to tackle the rest of your day :)
Flower Pots DIY
• paint a can, any can :)
• seal with poly... Or you'll get rust
• add some drainage holes with a drill bit
• decorate and plant something :)
Easy Simple Valentines Boxes
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Homemade bread in 20 mins + bake time
• Roughly 6 cups of flour
• Tsp of salt
• 2 eggs
• 1/2 cup of sugar or honey
• 1/2 cup oil ( I used veg)
• 1 pack active yeast
• 2 cups of hot water
Mix sugar or honey, yeast, oil and water. Let sit for 5-10 mins. Add in eggs, then dry ingredients. Let rest for 15 and then knead for 5. Bake at 350 until golden brown and serve it up plain or with the topping of your choice :). Now I'm going into a bread coma, haha, try this and let me know what you think :) xo
Afternoon pick-me up :)
• handful of frozen banana pieces
• maybe 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
• 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
• enough vanilla soy milk to reach the consistency I love!
I throw it all in the blender and I'm good til dinner ;)
Lamp Shade DIY
Final Product :) |
After |
Before |
Newspaper Nails DIY
Friday, January 13, 2012
Jar Soap Dispenser
DIY Photo Transfer
- canvas or scrap wood
- gel medium (craft stores carry this)
- paint brush
- water
- rag or towel
All you need to do is cover your canvas or wood with a coat of gel medium ( a little heavy) then put apply your picture face down and remember the image will transfer backwards... Smooth out all the bubbles with anything you have really. I used a dry roller brush. Then let this dry overnight. In the morning you'll want to take a damp rag or towel, not too wet, and gently rub at your picture. The paper in the back will peel up layer by later. It's kind of messy, but worth the effort I think. These make cool, thoughtful gifts and it's super cheap. :)